
Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The days seem to get longer, especially when you have 2 pit bulls vying for  your attention.  I don't know if Boych does it for attention or not, but I do know he requires a lot of up close and personal work.

He is still taking mud baths:

and he is not using his pool anymore:

He liberally intersperses the spas with manure packs, delightfully rolling in the neighbors horse apples.  He is persistent in looking for the not so fresh carcass that is left by the coyotes.  He has the biggest smile on his face when he returns from that adventure.

Today I came across a means of grooming him that I have used in other circumstances.   He came up and was nudging me.  He wanted to be petted.  I was in the process of doing dishes and had on rubber gloves....The yellow everyday cleaning kind.  I relented figuring I could wash off the hair that I knew would Velcro to the surface.  How did I know this?  Well it is my quick cure for getting cat fur off the chairs.

When I petted him that is exactly what happened.  When I begin using a scrubbing motion more hair began rising to the surface.   Voila!  Better than a brush.  I took him out on the porch and gave him a head to foot rub down.  The hair was flying and he was loving every moment, even when I hit the tickle spot.

I don't know if it would be an advisable treatment for a long haired dog but it sure works with my plush cut babies. I highly recommend it.

Have a Pittie nice day!

Other blog sites by me:
A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.
Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.
 blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .
Please do not copy without permission

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Ashley and Meydel chillin' with the internet

Our granddaughter is totally in love with dogs.  We were wondering if that was a trait implanted in the womb.  Her Mom's first real job at 14 was working as an attendant in a kennel.  She cleaned cages everyday after school and both days on the weekend.

In these pictures she is taking time out to love our pound puppies.
Looks like they are taking advantage of the cuddle time.

Ashley and Boychik on the love seat.
She is having a Bat Mitzvah in August.  If you are not familiar with what a Bat Mitzvah is, it is
the Jewish celebration of a young woman's coming of age.

 Part of growing up is participating in the workings of your community to make a difference.  She has chosen to work with the Humane Society.  She set up a "Go Fund Me" page for the Tampa, Florida Humane Society.

When you visit the page you will see her own rescued dogs pictured.

Please support your animal protective associations, or each breed's rescue groups.  All need help to further the education of people and taking care of dogs who have been abandoned and abused.

If you would like, you can help the Tampa, Florida Humane Society through the "Go Fund Me" page established by Ashley. (Boychik and Meydel were excited to help their Tampa Cousins).
Thank you for your support.
The following link will escort you there:


other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.

Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .
Please do not copy without permission

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Very early on March 1, 2015, the incorrigible pair had to have "Pirate Time".  We had had 5 inches of snow during the night.  Needless to say they were very interested in the feel of the new snow and the smells of everything.

"Pirate Time" is where they have a wrestle/growling playtime.  It is very rough and they sound like pirates on the prowl, Argggh.  When they start it inside they are relegated to the outside deck till they are wrestled out.

They noticed something in the treetops.  I have no idea what.  It could have been a bird or a squirrel or with them it could have been a leaf hanging on a branch which attracted their attention.  They are very curious dogs.

Seconds later they heard the basement door open and shut.  Daddy was headed out to sweep the snow off the cars.  Our drive is so steep we have to park down the drive when the weather is bad. (See the Electric pole on the left corner of the picture, it's base is located on the lower level.)
 This had their rapt attention for the next 5 minutes and then it was pirate time again.
The play looks like it is rough but you could put your hand in their mouths at anytime and not be hurt.  I wouldn't want to be next to them while they were doing their thing.  Their weight hitting against you would bowl you over!  They love the snow play, afterwards they crash for "Quiet Time".  That's the best time...lol
other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.

Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .
Please do not copy without permission

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Best friends come in all kinds of packages. But the best package is a cuddle package.

They are on a love-seat in the den.  It seems an appropriate place for them to crash. 

Five minutes before both of their heads were on Hunny's lap.  He slid out from under them and they never even budged.

Are you wondering why there are so many sleeping photos of them.  It seems sleeping is one of a pit bull's favorite things to do.  

Their play is so rambunctious we call it "Pirate time".  When I holler "Pirate Time" they know to head to the deck door and they take their rough housing outside. They make argghh sounds while they are wrestling violently.  You do not want to be in the path of the two. Their weight and their PSI will over-end you.  The minute they come in they head to the water and then to the couch, where it is "Quiet Time".

other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.

Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .

Please do not copy without permission

Thursday, February 19, 2015


 I want so much to have a moment in the sun with you.  Will you share your sunbeam with me?   You are so asleep you don't hear me talking to you.  You don't even feel me nudging you over so I can get a teeny bit of sun. Please scootch over a little bit.  If you won't move I see a solution.  It won't let me cuddle with you but I can at least soak up some sun.  It feels so good.

other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.

Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .

Please do not copy without permission

Monday, February 16, 2015


If you haven't read about me before, I am Meydel.  That's yiddush for little girl.  I'm Boychik's baby sister.  Boychik is yiddish for little boy.  He's not so little though.  He weighs about 90 pounds.   He's been around for almost a  year.  You can read about some of his exploits in the other blogs.

This week I have been in my forever home for three months.  We are still going through lots of "Situations".  

The biggest one, I seem to have come to my new home with separation anxiety.  If they walk out of the room and come back in I have to greet them as if they have been gone for days.  I jump on them and snibble on them.  I don't have a soft mouth so the snibbling hurts sometimes. 

They have to hold my collar and distract me to get me to calm down.  Then I let them pet me and love me.  They say to each other, "When we google, how to break this habit, there has been no answer for us."

I have learned how to tell Mommy I have to go, but I don't tell her till after I have gone.  I run up to her and bark, she looks at me and says, "Oh no, again.  You were just out 10 minutes ago."  Then we clean up the mess.  I am good about going when she lets me out, but I leave it up to her to decide it is time to go.  When they let me out I go potty when they ask me to, even if I have just gone .  I know what to do and when to do it but when I am playing I just go where I am at.

I can hold it through the night, so that is not my problem.  Mommy has a secret.  She picks up the water bowl at 9:00 PM and doesn't put it down till I've been potty the next morning.  
I do have a couple of pluses.  I am a superb watch dog.   I sound the alarm even when it's a B & E on a television program.  When I watch TV,  I think it is something happening in another room.  

Today when Dad was viewing the pictures he took of me on his 32" X 18" monitor I looked up, saw myself, and started barking at the Doggy in the window.

Another plus I have, is I am a tattle-tale.  When Boychik is doing something he shouldn't I have a shrill bark that brings Mommy running.  I use that same bark to tell her when he takes my toys and won't let me play with them.  

I love to cuddle and they love to cuddle me.  It's when I get rambunctious they get perturbed.  I can't just sit on the couch and be petted.  I want to rough-house.  I want them to let me bite them like I do Boych.  Boych lets me pull him by his jowls and never complains.

They were spoiled by Boych.  When he relaxes he crashes.  He's out like a light in seconds.  We've seen him fall asleep with his head up and it drops like a boulder to the floor with a loud heavy thunk.

I'm through the teething stage (I think).  They didn't appreciate when I showed them I liked to chew.  I tried the corners of the coffee table when they weren't around.  They were good but not as good as the newel on the arm of the sofa.  After I got reprimanded for those things and decided I better stick to the logs they give me.  I've only chewed one tennis shoe, one slipper, one dress shoe, and one everyday shoe.  All but one were put up where I supposedly couldn't get them.   I decided it wasn't worth getting in trouble for, so I have stopped doing it.  They still don't trust me with the shoes.  

One of my favorite things they give me to chew is a black walnut.  I don't have it long though.  Boych chews his up lickity split and then comes to steal mine.  I yell for Mommy and she retrieves it and the minute she turns her back he takes it again.

Today it snowed.  There is enough snow I can play snow plow with my nose.  I really have fun biting at the chunks of snow which pop up. I am really a tomboy at heart.  I'll be a little lady soon enough.

other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.

Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .

Please do not copy without permission

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

AND SO SHE GROWS (our pitbull puppy)

DECEMBER 20, 2014

DECEMBER 27, 2014
I haven't had two seconds to write about the pros and cons of having two Pitbulls. The last two months have been so full of day to day goings on.  I thought maybe you would like to see how they are still the best of buddies and how she has grown.

The blog's home page picture was taken the night Meydel came to us.  It was taken eight hours after she arrived.

We are having potty training issues.  I am the one that is trained.  She will not tell us but she will go when we ask her too.  Most of the time she holds it through the night, so I know she can control it.

She has just begun to teethe and we have to catch her chewing to stop her.  (She does have plenty of chew toys).  Her favorite chewing toy is a black walnut.  She plays hockey with it and when tired, she lays down and chews on it. The only problem is she has to keep it away from the iron jaws of Boychik.  He demolishes them in about 5 minutes.

Meydel is quite the watch dog.  Boychik would watch you come in and go out and not say a thing.  Meydel will announce you're here before you know you are here.

The other thing we are working on is she is starting to cabinet surf.  That is a huge no no in our house.

They have only been outside together once.  We can't trust her to come when we call and when they are wrestling we can't trust Boychik to listen to us.  They both get too carried away.  We have a big deck which they go outside on and run and wrestle and play tug of war with their toys. (They do it in the house too but not as ferociously.)

Most of the time we are thoroughly enjoying being PitBull Parents.

other blogs by me:

A blog mostly about quilting,
cooking, poetry, prose and a little gardening,
 Tutorial on how to make 5 panel Boxer Shorts.
A mystery quilt designed with the novice in mind.
Where I have stories of my cats and other pets
a blog about my courtship with my husband,
and a blog about my most embarrassing moment.
A "Soap box" blog where I do air my opinions.

blogs about the wildflowers on our farm
Organic methods we use, some cooking and some poetry,
blogs about Seed sprouting, insects, and garden pictures
Blog about an endangered beneficial beetle

All recipes, pictures, and writings are my own.
I give credit for items which belong to other people in my blogs .

Please do not copy without permission